os. Oświecenia 3/27, 31-635 Kraków

Phenomenon of Gangam Style- rozumienie tekstu słuchanego

Odpowiedz na pytania:

1.How many votes does Gangnam Style have on YouTube?

2.The Gangnam Style is so famous because of its

3.The Gangnam Style is numer ................. on ITunes video Chart

4.Where does the PSY come from?

5.The rapper has expected the success overseas

6.What does Gangnam refers to?

7.According to the video, Nelly Furtado was paid to use the Gangnam style on her concert

8.There is no Gangnam style adaptations on the Internet

9.According to the flash mob choreographer he captures the audience because he is

10.He is going to be the biggest Korean popstar ever